Time sure does fly!! We are 3 weeks-old now and our ears and eyes are slowly opening!
Soon we will be able to see Mommy’s beautiful and bright face! All these days without seeing her, it was long! Our Mommy is the most beautiful of mommies!
Mommy leaves us alone in the nest for longer periods now because we don’t need to be fed as often, she can leave for at least 2 hours. During this time, my siblings and I discover each other, I find my brother and sister pretty funny! They think I’m funny too!
For the first time, at one month-old, we hear strange sounds and we see shadows around us...that frighten us! Mommy is at work and we remembered she said: “If you hear sounds, it’s normal because we live in a city under a shed. But if you see animals with 2 legs who make weird sounds, don’t move, don’t make a sound and especially, remember that I will be back once the 2-legs are gone, or during the night. Sometimes, it might take longer but be patient, I love you so much!”
That day, a very sad day, the 2-legs destroyed our home. We were so scared, famished and sad, that we couldn’t help but cry...and the 2-legs found us!Ousnym is like Daddy, I think...he’s got character! So he showed the 2-legs they weren’t a match for him! Ynsoum and I were really scared and we were looking for Mommy. One of the 2-legs made noises in a flat object that has pictures and makes other noises. Wow, they are tall these 2-legs, just like Mommy told us! She said that many 2-legs are kind but others can be really mean.
It was time to test the teachings Mommy transmitted to us in the beginning. OK, I remember, we must keep our heads lower than our backs, we must spread our front paws really wide, we must smell the ground under us and we must move forward just a bit, then backup, raising our backs to become round like a ball. We must also keep our eyes open and notice everything around us. Then, we can also make growling noises with our mouth, to show them we can be mean too! Wow! Ousnym is better than me at growling and I think Ynsoum didn’t pay attention too much because she’s lost in her thoughts! Mommy says that Ynsoum has a little attention deficit, she’s funny when she’s “on the moon”, as Mommy says, hehe!
OK, now the 2-legs are coming close and Ynsoum is making funny sounds now, she’s making the “ Mouk Mouk mouk” noises. Ohhh, those are sharp noises, she is scared! I team up with Ousnym and we growl together but Oupsss, I just made a Mouk sound...don’t laugh, ok? Another 2-legs arrives…Oupss, he’s got bigger hands and they are of a different colour. He also has a square thing, a box Mommy called it, like the one we have in our nest under the shed, which Mommy had a lot of trouble installingl, as she explained to us. OH NO!!! The 2-legs with the big green hands just grabbed Ynsoum and me and put us in the box. We are really really scared now! He just grabbed our sister who put her paws in front of her eyes and she’s not moving.